Felicia Di Bono

Felicia Di Bono

I’m Felicia, I’m a knitwear designer and teacher.

I’m Italian, but I’ve lived in many different places, both in Italy and in the US and I now live in a small town in the province of the wonderful Granada, Spain.

I’m also a certified EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher and love learning languages.

Until the end of 2021 I worked as a Market Research executive for a big luxury brand in Italy, but after 26 years of corporate life I decided it was time for a change, as that kind of life was really eating up my health (I am also a so-called ‘spoonie’ = person with chronic illness/chronic pain).

I started knitting when I was a teenager, taught by my mom and my favorite aunt, but quit after a short time as I was too busy with school and too many other activities.

I picked up knitting again ‘by accident’ only about 25 years later and I haven’t stopped since then.

I love knitting as well as embroidering and crocheting, they really help me relax and ‘clearing up’ my mind especially after a tiring or stressful day.

And I love designing. It really makes my creative ‘part’ come out and express itself!

I believe that knitting should always be fun and never stressful, For this reason, my goal when designing is to create patterns that are modern and beautiful but at the same time easy and fun to knit!

If you want, you can follow me on Instagram (@glitterknits), Facebook (Glitterknits) or in my Raverly Group!

original designs

Campi Di Miele
Pascuali Designs on Ravelry
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Playing with Waves
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A New Chapter
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Auténtica Amistad
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Lali Scarf
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A Walk in the Grass
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A Different Perspective Cowl
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Fields of Lavender
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Wonderful Day
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A Different Perspective
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Opposite Views Cowl
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Lucky Coincidence
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
  • Piace
  • Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Little Rays of Sunshine
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A Little Bit of Joy
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Make Your Dreams Come True
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Be Kind to Yourself
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Joyful Waves
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Opposite Views
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Positive Attitude
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Be Strong
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
No Doubt
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
  • No Doubt
  • Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
By Chance
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
A Warm Place
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Big Embrace
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store
Waves and Stripes
Felicia Di Bono's Ravelry Store