Kathleen Reber
Kathleen Reber
Rosy Dawn
The Needlecraft Shop, 101 Granny Squares
The Needlecraft Shop, 101 Granny Squares

- Rosy Dawn
- The Needlecraft Shop, 101 Granny Squares
Thoroughly Modern Granny
Annie's Attic #872218, Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans
Annie's Attic #872218, Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans
- Thoroughly Modern Granny
- Annie's Attic #872218, Ultimate Book of Scrap Afghans
Lapghan & Pillow
Annie's Pattern Club Newsletter #32, Apr-May 1985
Annie's Pattern Club Newsletter #32, Apr-May 1985
- Lapghan & Pillow
- Annie's Pattern Club Newsletter #32, Apr-May 1985