Kim Hamlin
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
24 Hour Cowl Fiber & Vine August 2017 61 354
Acorn Fiber & Vine November 2015 196 5559
Alphabet Blocks Knitted Gifts: Irresistible Projects to Make & Give July 2009 13 86
AnchorVest-081 Anchors Aweigh Son of Stitch 'n Bitch: 45 Projects to Knit and Crochet for Men November 2007 42 317
Angora Dots Hat aunt wilma on etsy March 2009 15
Argyle Sweater Posh Pooches January 2005 33 77
Aromatherapy Eye Pillow (crochet) Lion Brand Yarn website April 2011 5 313
Aromatherapy Eye Pillow (knit) Lion Brand Yarn website April 2011 8 188
Balsam Sachets Handknit Holidays: Knitting Year-Round for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice January 2005 19 67
Peanut Jersey3 Baseball Jersey Posh Pooches January 2005 56 107
Basic Dog Sweater Posh Pooches January 2005 131 274
no photo
Birch Bark Felted Slippers Making No. 8 / FOREST October 2019 9 303
Brooklyn Bridge Scarf Son of Stitch 'n Bitch: 45 Projects to Knit and Crochet for Men October 2007 39 90
Buck Hill Pullover Spud & Chloë Leaflet no. 9515 June 2011 7 191
bullseye089 Bull's Eye Posh Pooches January 2005 4 42
Bumble Up Scarf Spud & Chloë Leaflet no. 9202 June 2011 110 310
Car Blanket / Pillow Lion Brand Yarn website March 2010 70 2486
Cat Headband and Wrist Warmers Lion Brand Yarn website January 2010 164 2956
Childrens Hats Children's Cotton Hats Last-Minute Knitted Gifts October 2004 1427 1037
Coral Necklace Lion Brand Yarn website March 2011 2 231
Cotton Sun Hat (Crochet) Lion Brand Yarn website July 2011 3 302
Cotton Sun Hat (Knit) Lion Brand Yarn website July 2011 12 706
Crochet Headband Blue Sky Fibers Website 68 683
Crochet Trivet #L0564 Lion Brand Yarn website September 2010 7 228
Dad Style Bias Knit Tie Lion Brand Yarn website January 2011 52 578