Leena Siikaniemi
The text edited to be correct (subject), 10.10.2011 - perhaps not the language, so sorry!
The text below is what i wrote about getting the idea (2008) of the Doublefuns, in autumn 2009, when i´ve got an information (in June 2009), that all my three socks will be included to the upcoming Sox-book in spring 2010.
I sent the Forgettable socks and the Doublefun ankle-high-socks to the Think Outside The Sox Contest in December 2008 and Doublefun stockings in Janyary 2009.
(Doublefun Socks with Pom-Poms # 233 are nowadays called DF-ankle-high or DF-Blue-tones.)
Doublefun stockings are called Mi-Parti stockings.**
It was November 2007. I had ordered a pile of new books. I sat down once more to leaf through a book I had been thinking of returning. And this time I see in that book, Ann Budd’s Getting Started Knitting Socks, a spread on which there are pictures of five different ways of knitting a sock. Different ways of using needles. As a Finn I had never before considered nothing else but using five double pointed needles.
I was astounded and cried out: what next! Is something missing? It took a couple of seconds until my brain answered as a joke: one sock on two straight needles. Still a second or two later my brain asked: how? And the answer: double knitting! Well, how? Hourglass heel. I can picture the sock in my mind’s eye, I feel like flying, I’m entranced by the possibilities – and there’s no one to share the moment!
After three days of adventure, three socks have been knit, the feeling is unbelievable.
I wanted to find some new and refreshing yarn, because the old and familiar ones didn’t seem to want to adapt to the challenges of the technique. I found a yarn.
A couple of days later I was leafing through the book Homespun Handknit. The phrases ”Double Knitting” and ”Beverly Royce” strike my eye. I took the dictionary out and tried to understand what had been written about this knitting genious. She had knit a sock on double knitting, what kind of sock? Later I found out that her sold out book Notes on Double Knitting is available in Finland in a school’s library, and in New York. Some days later I have the book in my hands. I leaf through to find the double knitted socks. Not the same! A sigh…
I knit another pair enjoying the softness of the yarn and the technique. Wow, what a feeling! And the secret. I need to hide it inside me. I wish I could see the others walking this path, how do they find it? What Mary Thomas said is so true: ”The keenest anquish of a man is a pain of a new idea”.