L'Tanya Durante

L'Tanya Durante
I love ethnic costumes, home decor, and all things ethnic and crafty. To build a body of work, I’m taking a year to work on just my own designs (with the exception of my WIPs). Since doing one thing is not enough, I also write for regional parenting magazines and I’m working on a book proposal.
Mixed Messages Greeting Card
Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue
Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue

- Mixed Messages Greeting Card
- Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue
Holiday Table Mat
Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue
Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue

- Holiday Table Mat
- Black Purl Magazine, December 2007 - Holiday Print Issue
Bobble-Striped Child's Pullover
Yarn of the Month Club
Yarn of the Month Club

- Bobble-Striped Child's Pullover
- Yarn of the Month Club