Sarah Lady

Sarah Lady

Please note that I’m on Ravelry a lot so if you get stuck with one of my designs, I’m here to help. Anything I can do to make the process easier for other knitters…

Also have a Facebook page here: facebook
And there’s also a Ravelry group here: Ravelry

original designs

Ginger Mitts
Knit for Victory
Fisherman's Friends
Knit for Victory
WinterWonderland Mitts
Knit for Victory
Secret Birthday socks
Knit for Victory
Lady Jane Grey's gloves
Knit for Victory
Strangely Stripey Socks
Knit for Victory
Action Man Socks
Knit for Victory
Skywalker Mittens
Knit for Victory
Baby socks
Knit for Victory
Michigan Mitts
Knit for Victory
Kool Aid Fern Lace scarf
Knit for Victory