Susan B. Anderson
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Block 5 Knitterati Afghan February 2017 180 764
Blooms Spud Says! June 2009 8 526
Braided Spud Says! September 2009 446 2929
Brown Cow Spud & Chloë at the Farm April 2011 82 232
Buckets Spud & Chloë at the Farm April 2011 51 104
Buga Baby Bunting Blue Sky Fibers Website September 2010 237 1316
Bulky Travel Mug Cozy Susan B. Anderson (blog) December 2012 96 506
Bumble Bee Shop Susan B. Anderson May 2008 50 594
Bunny Itty-Bitty Toys October 2009 726 1387
Bunny & Lamb Topsy-Turvy Inside-Out Knit Toys April 2013 128 113
Bunny and Chick Shop Susan B. Anderson February 2009 14 109
Bunny Hat and Blankie Spud & Chloë Leaflet no. 9212 November 2010 21 89
Bunny Love & Extras Shop Susan B. Anderson November 2013 143 1245
Bunny Love Modifications, Cardigan & Carrots Shop Susan B. Anderson February 2014 9 342
012 Bunny Rattle Itty-Bitty Nursery September 2007 18 70
Bunny tails Bunny Tail Itty-Bitty Hats January 2006 1704 3414
Butterflies Spud Says! July 2010 134 2029
Butterfly & Cocoon Making No. 2 / FAUNA October 2016 683 6668
Butterfly Washcloth Shop Susan B. Anderson April 2009 10 332
Camp Hoodie Spud & Chloë Leaflet no. 9502 June 2011 69 872
Camp Hoodie Swatch Hat Spud Says! January 2011 76 1017
Candy Cane Itty-Bitty Hats June 2006 752 858
Cat and Mouse Itty-Bitty Toys October 2009 167 470
Cedar Wrap Spud Says! December 2010 127 2546
Cherry-O! Itty-Bitty Hats June 2006 175 238