The People's Friend
The People's Friend
The Perfect Set
The People's Friend, August 16, 2014
The People's Friend, August 16, 2014
- The Perfect Set
- The People's Friend, August 16, 2014
Sammy Sheep Dog
A People's Friend Special: Soft Toys to Make
A People's Friend Special: Soft Toys to Make
- Sammy Sheep Dog
- A People's Friend Special: Soft Toys to Make
Daintiest Little Jacket
Kiddie-Knits presented with People's Friend
Kiddie-Knits presented with People's Friend

- Daintiest Little Jacket
- Kiddie-Knits presented with People's Friend
Her Name is Lucy: yellow dress
A People's Friend Special: 17 Quick-Knit Designs
A People's Friend Special: 17 Quick-Knit Designs

- Her Name is Lucy: yellow dress
- A People's Friend Special: 17 Quick-Knit Designs