woollen wave

woollen wave
Red Squirrel Brooch
Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #6
Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #6

- Red Squirrel Brooch
- Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #6
Barn Owl Decoration
Knit Now, Issue 148, December 2022
Knit Now, Issue 148, December 2022

- Barn Owl Decoration
- Knit Now, Issue 148, December 2022
Woolly Brew Teacup Decoration
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store

- Woolly Brew Teacup Decoration
- Woollen Wave Ravelry Store
Simple Mock Cable Mitts
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store

- Simple Mock Cable Mitts
- Woollen Wave Ravelry Store
Cabobobble napkin rings
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store
Woollen Wave Ravelry Store

- Cabobobble napkin rings
- Woollen Wave Ravelry Store