A Handsome Knitted Coat Sweater by Mrs. C. J. Matthews

A Handsome Knitted Coat Sweater

Out of print. This pattern was available for free: hnm_0214.pdf

The pattern is found on page 21-23 and 49 of the PDF.

From the description:
“The sweater illustrated is done in English vest-stitch, a simple and effective pattern, especially adapted to those not versed in sweater making.
”One important new feature in the making of this sweater is that the back and fronts are made separately and joined at the shoulders, thus doing away with the awkward weight and handling that occurs when knit in one piece.
“Before commencing the sweater it is well to be acquainted with the pattern employed by knitting two or three inches with only a few stitches on the needle.”

No yarn is suggested.

No needle size is given.

No gauge is given.

The pattern was first published in February, 1914.