A Snug Coatee in Moss-stitch by Lux

A Snug Coatee in Moss-stitch

by Lux
January 1933
Light Fingering ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Pattern description: This long-sleeved coatee is just what you need for the coller days, the cross over buttoned effect gives a cosy air and you will find moss-stitch very easy to knit.

Gauge is not specified in this vintage pattern.

Materials: 7 oz. 3-ply knitting wool. 2 knitting needles, No. 9. 2 knitting needles, No. 10. Bone crochet hook, No. 12. 3 buttons.