All Dolled Up: Blue Skirt & waistcoat by Eileen Hersey

All Dolled Up: Blue Skirt & waistcoat

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Fashion dolls, shown on a Sindy

Oddments of 4 ply yarn for skirt and waistcoat, shown in black & white as a light blue colour.
Small ball of ply yarn in pale pink for waistcoat.
3 small buttons for waistcoat.

Name of outfit
All Dolled Up: Blue Skirt & waistcoat and Pink Knitted Sweater.

Five doll outfits in this article all shown in black and white and modelled on a Sindy doll. This is the outfit on the left - picture on page 70 and pattern on page 72.