Allegiance by Connie Davis


Fingering (14 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 16 rows = 2 inches
in stockinette
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
700 - 1000 yards (640 - 914 m)
S, M (42" bust), L, xL
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD buy it now

Allegiance is the perfect lightweight summer top, that will easily convert to other seasons with the addition of a sweater on top or long sleeved item underneath. The decorative pattern continues from the bottom edge up the left side (front & back), meeting at the shoulder. This same design is edging around the neckline completing the look.

This is a quick, easy to knit top. Sample is worked in The Buffalo Wool Co., Tracks, custom dyed for this piece in Mustang Grape.

Starting at the bottom, working front & back separately; then joining in the round to work in one-piece to the underarms. After all decreases the shoulders are joined with the Kitchener stitch & facings are worked.

You will need to have 2-4 buttons, 3/4”, which are placed decoratively over the place you joined to work in the round. It works well with solid and patterned yarns.

Enjoy your journey.