Berryman Unisex Crochet Beanie Set by S Nozibele Kelsey-Brewton

Berryman Unisex Crochet Beanie Set

December 2022
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 9 rows = 4 inches
in hdc
6.0 mm (J)
5.5 mm (I)
128 - 150 yards (117 - 137 m)
Adult, one size
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

This set consists of a beanie, mittens, and fingerless mitts. The Beanie and mittens are worked from the top down, while the fingerless mitts are worked from the bottom up. A stitch that I am calling the dhdc, double half double crochet, is also known as the partial puff stitch, was used, which reminds me of berries. The pattern also includes suggestions for how to alter the sizes, and well as some color work, as in the fingerless mitts. Finally, a pompom may be added to the top of the beanie if desired.