Boy on a goose mobile by Sachiyo Ishii

Boy on a goose mobile

28 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Goose 20cm, boy 5cm
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The pattern appeared in Knit Now magazine previously and styled photos are accredited to Knit Now production team.
I write patterns regularly for the magazine. To subscribe, please visit:

This toy is worked flat in pieces and seamed. The stitches are all simple, but take your time sewing up carefully for a neat finish.

Yarn used
A 20g white DK (8-ply)
B 5g yellow DK
C A small amount of red DK
D A small amount of blue DK
E A small amount of peach DK
F A small amount of dark brown DK
G A small amount of light blue DK

About yarn used for the sample
James C. Brett Legacy white DK, 128m per 50g, 100% wool

28 sts x 34 rows = 10 cm measured over St st

Needles used
3mm straight for the goose, 2.75mm straight for the boy

Other supplies
• Chenille or tapestry needle
• Toy stuffing
• A small amount of brown DK yarn