Bridal Blossoms by Betty Newman

Bridal Blossoms

November 1984
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
1.5 mm
2.1 mm
3.5 mm (E)
330 yards (302 m)

Instructions are for a bouquet and boutonniere

Flower contest second place winner

You will need:
100 yards of shaded pinks crochet cotton (size 20)
75 yards of burgundy crochet cotton (size 10)
50 yards of light pink crochet cotton (size 10)
25 yards of white pearl cotton (size 5)
2.5 yards of 1.5” lace
6 5/8” rose molds
3 3/4” rose molds
1 7/8” rose molds
10 rose calyx molds
6 1 1/16” carnation calyx cups
17 flat 1/2” daisy calyxs
17 pink and white pearl finish stamen clusters
dried white baby’s breath
20 1 1/2 x 2 1/4” rose leaves
6 4 1/2” fern leaves
2 1/2 x 6” oasis bouquet holder
8” colonial bouquet holder
2 1/2” styrofoam ball
rose scent
18-gauge stem wires
green florists tape
spray starch
large glass soda bottle
corsage pin
clear acrylic spray
wire cutter
1.5 mm (size 8) hook
2.1 mm (size 3) hook
3.5 mm (size 00) hook