Butterfly Crochet Handbag by Maggie Petsch Chasalow

Butterfly Crochet Handbag

no longer available from other sources show
January 2001
Thread ?
3.25 mm (D)
3.5 mm (E)
8 1/4" wide x 7 1/4" high.
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Stitch a delicate butterfly with one strand each size 10 crochet cotton and metallic blending filament using a size 7 steel crochet hook to accent for this handsome, gusseted shoulder bag. Crochet handbag is stitched with two strands size 5 crochet cotton.

Coats Opera crochet cotton size 5 (50 grams per ball): 4 balls black #501 (MC)
J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen cro- chet cotton size 10 (150 yds per ball): 1 ball shaded jades #17 (A) and small amount white #1 (B)
Crochet cotton size 30: small amount white (C)
Kreinik metallic blending filament (55 yds per spool): 1 spool each silver #001-HL-BF (BFA) and pearl #032-BF (BFB)
Size 7 steel crochet hook
Size 10 steel crochet hook
Size D/3 crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
Size E/4 crochet hook
1/4 yd black fabric
9” black all-purpose zipper
8mm aqua crystal bead
9 (3.5mm) white pearls
Tapestry needle

20stsand20rows=4”inscwith next-to-largest hook and 2 strands MC held tog
15stsand13rows=3”inseedst pattern with next-to-largest hook and 2 strands MC held tog
