Charming Mini Bags by Gisela Maier

Charming Mini Bags

Thread ?
6 rounds measure 6 3/4"
1.25 mm
650 yards (594 m)
both US and UK
English Spanish

Skill level = Advanced

Partially written pattern with a well-defined chart.

Pattern consists of 2 separate patterns for 2 small bags/purses.{A & B}

Patterns 3 on pages 12-13 in Magic Crochet.
Photo of purses on page 13.
Pattern 9, With a Delicate Air, in Crochet Monthly, #263.

About 245 yards crochet thread required for purse A; 405 yards for purse B.

Pattern B: white satin ribbon, a little over 2 1/8 yards, 1/4” wide needed for drawstring.

Small piece satin fabric needed for each purse.

According to pattern: use them for potpourri, favors or to stash away personal treasures.