Child's Helmet by Watmoughs Knitting Studio

Child's Helmet

Width round head
16, 17, 19 inches

Each pamphlet has a different set of recommended yarns. The following are from the Studley version.

STUDLEY Double Knittings
Tricel/Nylon Crepe
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Super Pure New Wool
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Petspun Nylon
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Swiss Nylon
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Superwash (machine washable)
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Red 2, 2, 3 balls
White 1, 1, 1 ball
Stitch holders