Claire's Cowl for 22" BJD by Vicki Monthei

Claire's Cowl for 22" BJD

January 2023
yarn held together
+ Thread
= Cobweb ?
6 stitches and 10 rows = 1 inch
in garter stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
100 - 120 yards (91 - 110 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This pattern for a doll’s cowl/scarf is a simple garter stitch rectangle with 1 pattern row. Skills needed are cast on, slip, knit and bind off.

2 strands of #12 pearl cotton are held together while knitting. The gauge is very loose to obtain drape on a doll’s scale. Gauge is not critical for this item.

2 balls of Valdani #12 pearl cotton are needed. About 55 yds or 50m are needed from each ball to complete the doll cowl/scarf.

Ball jointed doll (BJD) is Custom House’s St. Mina.