Clarisse necklace by Cynthia Spencer

Clarisse necklace

January 2013
DK (11 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in garter
US 5 - 3.75 mm
50 yards (46 m)
One Size
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“Clarisse” is a girl’s name meaning “bright,” or “famous.” There is no doubt that you’ll feel both bright and famous while wearing this beaded necklace!

The first time you see beads, you may worry that you can’t do anything like that. It looks so difficult!

Not at all. In fact, it’s easy.

This pattern will take you through the process step by step—and in just four rows of knitting, you’ll have a pretty little necklace.

It is one of the fastest gifts you could ever knit.

Skills taught in this pattern:
Stringing and using beads.

Really Clear Skill Rating:
Level 2: You’re becoming fairly independent with knitting. You are comfortable with knitting, purling, and perhaps a few basic stitch patterns. You might need an explanation for a technique here and there rather than having the entire pattern being step-by-step.

2-page pattern