Comfy V-neck Vest by Linn Sajdak

Comfy V-neck Vest

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
1090 - 1308 yards (997 - 1196 m)
Finished Bust: 35, 38.5, 43, 46 inches
This pattern is available from for $2.99.

From the Knit Picks Website:

Wear this cabled vest over your tank top when you want to dress it up a bit.

The vest is a simple rectangle with a neck opening. 3x3 cables run up each side of the vest, over the shoulder and down the back on a background of reverse stockinette stitch. The finishes at the neck edge and the armhole edge are the natural roll of stockinette stitch to the purl side. The cables gather the vest giving a slight flare to the hem and a slightly dropped shoulder. To avoid the problem of differences in cast-on and cast-off edges, a provisional cast-on is used at the bottom front, allowing the bottom band on the vest to be worked in the round from the body down by using the live stitches of the back and the released stitches from the provisional cast-on of the front.

Sizes and materials: to fit 32” (34-36, 38-40, 42) finished bust 35” (38.5, 43, 46) require Comfy Fingering 5 (5, 6, 6) 50 gram balls. The model is shown in Seafoam.

Needle sizes are 2.5mm 24” circular for the bottom band and 3.0mm for the body of the vest. A crochet hook 3/D, small amounts of scrap fingering yarn and crochet thread are suggested for casting on and finishing.