Criss-cross stitches for a criss-cross pattern by Torstar Books

Criss-cross stitches for a criss-cross pattern

27 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches
in criss-crossed and diamond relief pattern
US 4 - 3.5 mm
62,66cm / 24.5, 26in chest

Notions: stitch holder, cable needle, 7 buttons.
Requires 200,250g / 8,9 oz yarn. Color brown recommended.
Cardigan knit cuff-to-cuff sleeve and neck-to-waist torso.
Pattern and photos on pages 274-275 of book series.
Text with pattern: “Crossed slip stitches creat a diamond pattern relief. The cardigan is knitted in one piece from cuff to cuff so that the wide ribs form horizontal pattern strips.”