Curly Little Lion by Mon Tricot Designer Team

Curly Little Lion

January 1978
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
Light Fingering
+ Light Fingering
= Sport (12 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
2.75 mm (C)
3.75 mm (F)
14½" tall

The Lion is both knitted and crocheted.

Size 14½“ high

The body is done in stockinette stitch with the rust colored Pingouin Zephr held double, his beautiful mane in fur stitch (described in pattern instructions), and his eyes are embroidered in chain stitch.

• three 50 gr balls of Light Weight Yarn (fingering) Pingouin Zephyr, 330 yds per 50 gm ball in Rust
• one 50 gr ball of Sport Weight Yarn, (Mademoiselle Pingouin 240 yds per 50 gm ball) in Sand
• A few gms of Mademoiselle Pingouin in White, Turquoise and Brown.

Knitting needles no. 5; crochet hooks size C and F.

25½“ by 20” of Fabric Kapok for stuffing

Guage is not given.