Cyclades Shawl by Espace Tricot

Cyclades Shawl

April 2022
yarn held together
+ Fingering
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1440 - 1443 yards (1317 - 1319 m)
56” / 140 cm wingspan; 28” / 70 cm depth
English French
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Espace Tricot is a yarn store in Montreal, Canada. Discover our yarns here!

Named for the Greek islands at the heart of Aegean sea, this classic triangular shawl begs for a sea breeze to flutter in. The stitches in the shawl are simple lace, interspersed with sections of lateral braids and nupps, for a bit of texture and to keep the knitter’s interest.

The real fun comes after blocking, when the fringes are applied. Work from the centre out to get a gradient effect from a long colour change yarn like the Zauberball Crazy used here, use a mini skeins set or look through your stash for your favourite leftovers from other projects.

BC Garn BioBalance (55% organic wool; 45% organic cotton) 225 m / 246 y per 50 g, held double throughout
4 skeins, shown in Ivory

Schoppe Wolle Zauberball Crazy (75% wool, 25% nylon) 400 m / 420 y per 100 g
1 ball, shown in 1516

4.5 mm (US 7) needles, at least 32” circular, for working flat
4 stitch markers
Darning needle
Blocking wires or pins
Tassel maker or cardboard