Ella's Hat by Cynthia Spencer

Ella's Hat

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
400 yards (366 m)
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Go find yourself some sock yarn that stripes, and knit up this fast and easy baby hat in a few hours. (For the model, I used Crystal Palace Mini Mochi.)

It’s easy, and it features a little bit of texture with the half-linen stitch. You’ll find it interesting to knit (and will learn another way to use small scraps of yarn).

Now be prepared to hear the “Awwww.”

Really Clear Skill Rating:
Level 2: You’re becoming fairly independent with knitting. You are comfortable with knitting, purling, and perhaps a few basic stitch patterns. You might need an explanation for a technique here and there rather than having the entire pattern being step-by-step.

2-page pattern