Fastfood by Jana Ganseforth


no longer available from other sources show
January 2011
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
Flag of English English German
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

+Mmmh… who does not eat with pleasure a nice, with all occupied hamburger, chips with Mayo and ketchup and of course a chilled coke? Only unfortunately, this is not at all friendly to our figure… +

+Now the Janagurumi-Burgermenu with all gives it what desires the Fastfood heart. And 100% without calories! +

These crochet instructions contain detailierte instructions the hamburger with layer, the chips and the chips bag, Mayo-and Ketchup-Tütchen and the soft drink mug with removable lid and straw.

These PDF instructions are available into languages German and English.
Bitte give you by the ordering which language you prefer and in which kind you the instructions receive möchten.

Schwierigkeitsgrad: easily to mittel
The instructions are written easy-understandably and provided with many pictures.
Nevertheless, grounding should exist in the crocheting.

In of these instructions become the following crochet technologies verwendet:

Thread ring (or Magic ring)
Chain stitches
Firm meshes

If requested I dispatch a Tutorial for the Magic ring with these instructions.

Sales, duplication and publication (incl. translations) of the instructions (including publication on the Internet) as well as sales of the ready figure on the Internet are prohibited. The local sales of the ready figure (e.g., in stores, at markets) are permitted!