Felted Spindle Pouch for Walking Spinners by Wanda J Jenkins

Felted Spindle Pouch for Walking Spinners

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2006
Pencil Roving or Handspun Chunky
12 stitches and 16 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette Stitch
US 15 - 10.0 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Do you like to spin while walking? Sling this handy pouch over your shoulder, add a bit of roving, grab your spindle and away you go. The pouch is perfect for stashing your spindle to tie your shoes or take a picture.

This pouch was designed to be made with unspun pencil roving, or you can softly spin it with a very loose twist. The knit bag will be felted so gauge does not need to be spot on.

You will need 6 - 8 ounces of pencil roving wool. Corriedale is what I used but any wool that felts easily will work.