Floppy Star by Bernadette Singer

Floppy Star

Thread ?
First 4 rounds measure 2" in diameter
1.0 mm
625 yards (572 m)
17 3/4" in diameter

Skill level = Advanced

Partially written pattern with a well-defined chart.

Pattern #22 on page 54 in Magic Crochet.

Steel crochet hook US size 11/1.00 mm.

Doily is star shaped with 8 points.

Pattern is made with center motif and includes chain stitches, single crochet, double crochet and double treble stitches. Rows 1-5 creates the beginning of each star. Remainder of pattern includes double treble crochet stitches, 2 double crochet clusters and 3 double crochet bobble cluster stitches.