Full Moon by Andrea Jurgrau

Full Moon

February 2015
Lace ?
4 inches diameter, blocked, over Chart A. Stitch gauge pending but row gauge most important.
US 2 - 2.75 mm
0.6 mm
1600 - 1700 yards (1463 - 1554 m)
one size, about 5-6 feet in diameter
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

This design was inspired by the Year of the Sheep. This lunar New Year is represented by the color green, to symbolize new wood. As we move from snow storm to snow storm in New York this winter, I find myself longing for those fresh, green branches that tell me springtime is on the way. What better way to pull ourselves out of the snow but with a project that almost smells like spring! I selected a bright, fresh green yarn and beads with gold flashes. You might choose a green, gold, brown or anything else that pleases you. The design is a full circle with 12 wedges to invoke a zodiac mandala, if you will. The lace work is organic and reminiscent of fresh leaves or sitting in the shade of a willow tree in full leaf.

I used 2 skeins of Maple Ridge Lace in the Tansy colorway, from Kate Wright Designs.

This project was created as a group project for early 2015 and released in installments through the late winter months. If you are an original group member you got pattern updates as the new sections were added.

The full pattern was added early June 2015. If you have the older pattern (yellow highlights telling you it is not the final version) please check your library and download the more recent version.

Skill set required: intermediate (seriously) lace knitting techniques including a fluid start-of-round, nupps, placing beads, various increases and decreases and comfort using charts. There are extensive notes, but the project requires you to use charts. If you need line-by-line directions do not buy this pattern.

There are two edging options. My version shows the knit-on options and a few of the lovely project include the Vintage-Crochet bind-off. Look through the photos and enjoy!