
November 2020
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Sport
= DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 29 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
711 - 1148 yards (650 - 1050 m)
bust: 88 (96, 104, 112) cm circumference
Flag of English English Danish
This pattern is available for kr.50.00 DKK buy it now

gitte is a cardigan, worked seamlessly, top-down. It combines the shaping techniques of the round and raglan yoke.
The yoke pattern is a highly textured, open section.

The yarns involved, held together throughout, create a luscious fabric:
250 (300, 350, 400) gr of Familien Davidsen Agnes
150 (150, 200, 250) gr of Lamana Piura
Buttons by Hornvarefabrikken

snowtracks/snespor is a collection inspired by winter and the light and brightness of winter time.
Tracks in the snow create interesting images in the bright, white light, which is reflected back to the viewer. Tracks in the snow is texture in the surfaces of the flat, white snow filled landscapes.
Texture is in all kinds of knitting. Holding the textures of snowtracks in mind these six designs emerged from my needles. Some are more challenging than others, but all contain the reflection from the snow at winter time.
This collection was made in connection with the Christmas exhibition at Hornvarefabrikken, which I was invited to create in 2020.

gitte er en cardigan, strikket i ét stykke oppefra-ned. Formgivningen kombinerer dem fra det runde og raglan bærestykket.
Bærestykkets mønster giver en teksturfyldt åben sektion.

De brugte garner, som holdes sammen i hele arbejdet, giver et fedt, luksuriøst tekstil:
250 (300, 350, 400) gr Familien Davidsen Agnes
150 (150, 200, 250) gr Lamana Piura
Knapper fra Hornvarefabrikken

snowtracks/snespor er en kollektion inspireret af vinter, vinterens lys og klarhed. Spor i sne skaber interessante billeder i det klare, hvide lys, som sneen reflekterer tilbage til beskueren. Spor i sne er tekstur i de flade, hvide vinterlandskaber. Teksturer er i alle former for strik. Med tanke på teksturerne i snespor er disse seks designs vokset frem på mine pinde. Nogle er mere udfordrende for den, der strikker, end andre, men alle rummer vinterens snerefleksion.
Kollektionen er blevet til i forbindelse med juleudstillingen hos Hornvarefabrikken, som jeg blev inviteret til at stå for i 2020.