Infant's Fancy Knit Vest in Lemon Pattern by Weldons

Infant's Fancy Knit Vest in Lemon Pattern

by Weldons
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
7 stitches = 1 inch
in Lemon Lace Stitch
US 2 - 2.75 mm
200 - 300 yards (183 - 274 m)
Infants (18" chest, very stretchy)

Originally published in 1891.

Free download here

Knit a pretty lace vest for baby (size approximately 3-6 months) in an easy lace pattern. Neckline and armholes are trimmed with a crocheted edging and a ribbon drawstring.

“For knitting this pretty vest procure 1 ½ ozs. Of white Shetland wool, of the same quantity of the thicker make known as ‘winter’ Shetland.”