Jacket Ginevra by Adriafil

Jacket Ginevra

Light Fingering ?
21 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette on larger needles
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 9 - 5.5 mm
2176 yards (1990 m)
This pattern is available for free.

Summary: A wrap cardigan worked in flat, ruffled neckline border and crocheted waist ties.

Sizes Available: 40 (42-44).

Amount of Yarn Needed:
Only one amount of yarn is specified although the pattern comes in three sizes. In total 250 g, consisting of

  • 200 g of Adriafil Zaffiro in pink (color #21) for body and sleeves
  • 50 g of Adriafil Primula in pink (#40) for neckline border

Additional Materials Needed: tapestry needle

Pattern Stitches:

  • Stockinette for body and sleeves
  • Petal stitch for neckline border, worked over a multiple of 14 + 4 sts and 22 rows. Verbal explanation is given in instructions; not charted.
  • Chain stitch
  • Double crochet

Schematics: Back, front, sleeve. Picture available.

Languages Available: