Joan of Arc by Carla Mitrani

Joan of Arc

Why Joan? Because she is an icon of courage and audacity. At about the age of 17, she led the French army to victory against England in Orléans, making possible the crowning of the Dauphin as King Charles VII and boosting French morale during the final stages of the Hundred Years’ War. When captured by the English she faced trial with bravery and never renounced her faith and beliefs, not even when found guilty of heresy and burnt at the stake. The verdict was later nullified and she was exonerated. Joan was a martyr, a leader and a fighter. Nearly 500 years after her death the Catholic Church made her a saint and she is now one of the patron saints of France, teaching the world that the relentless courage of one person can make a huge change.

2.5mm (C/2) crochet hook
100% 8-ply cotton; colours used: skin colour, dark grey, light grey, light brown, small amount of pink and of red
Yarn needle
8mm (1/3in) safety eyes
Stitch marker
Fibrefill stuffing