Kapps Korner by Debbie Trainor

Kapps Korner

June 2022
Aran (8 wpi) ?
US 7 - 4.5 mm
58 - 65 yards (53 - 59 m)
8 inch square
This pattern is available for $1.50 USD buy it now

Kapps Korner is a mitered square dishcloth inspired by a master quilter’s quilt square. Fun and easy to knit, the entire dishcloth is garter stitch. The center decreases are simple SSK and K2tog.

The proceeds from the sale of this dishcloth will be donated to Each Stitch Counts, an organization that provides dish detergent with handmade dishcloths to local food pantries.

Find out how to get involved at http://eachstitchcounts.org

This pattern is FREE through June 30, 2022. No code needed.