Knit Felted Handbag Craft by Mary Baker

Knit Felted Handbag Craft

Worsted-weight wool yarn—two skeins each of red and black
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 13 - 9.0 mm

Knit and felt this fun striped purse for yourself, or as a handmade gift for someone special.

Striped felted handbag
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Felted Knit Handbag with Stripes
The bold stripes, bright color and novelty yarn make this an especially fun handbag to carry at the holidays!
Worsted-weight wool yarn—two skeins each of red and black (Mary used Patons Bright Red Classic 100% Wool yarn and Patons Black Classic 100% Wool yarn)
One skein of black mohair novelty yarn (Mary used Patons Moonlight Mohair Black)
24-in.-long size 13 circular needle
Four stitch markers
Magnetic purse closure
Two 2-in. squares of black felt
Yarn or tapestry needle
Needle-nose pliers
Two pillowcases or laundry bags
Two rubber bands
Four spring-type clothespins
Two towels