Lace Motif Cap by Miho Horiuchi

Lace Motif Cap

November 2007
Light Fingering ?
17 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
English Japanese
This pattern is available in print for ¥1000.

Cast on from chain stitches created with separate yarn.
Original pattern calls for using 2 strands of a mohair yarn together.

Suggested yarns are Hamanaka Mohair (90) 30g and Mohair Colourful (223) 30g.

Cast on 52 stitches on size 10 needle for the main body using provisional casting.
The cap is knit as a circle so I used 2 x cable needles.

row 1 knit
row 2 k2, yo, k2tgr, k7; repeat
row 3 knit
row 4 k2tgr, yo, k1, yo, k2tgr, k4; repeat
row 5 knit
row 6 k6, yo, k2tgr, k7, yo, k2tgr; repeat pattern of yo, k2tgr, k7
row 7 knit
row 8 k4, k2tgr, yo, k1, yo, k2tgr, k4; repeat k2tgr, yo, k1, yo, k2tgr, k4
repeat rows 1 - 8 until body measures 19.5cm
then, k7, k2gr; repeat
next, k6, k2tgr
next, k5, k2tgr
next, k4, k2tgr
next, k4, k2tgr
next, k3, k2tgr
next, k2, k2gtr
next, k1 k2gr,
final row: k2gr until end and cut yarn; thread yarn through remaining stitches to close top.

pick up 52 stitches from the bottom to k1 p1 to knit band. After 2.5cm, bo with needle for ribbed finish.