Last Minute Knitted Scalloped Edging by Halleh Tehranifar

Last Minute Knitted Scalloped Edging

no longer available from 1 source show
July 2010
Flag of English English
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Check out March 2012 issue of Creative Knitting featuring an article about this finishing pattern under “Afterthough Picot Edging”. My newest baby pattern tilted “Fileds of Spring Cardigan” is also featured in this issue.

This is a versatile knitted edging that can be added after all project is completed and put together. No stitch multiples, so you can carry it along any unfinished edge no matter how many stitches you pick up. Another positive point: you just pick up stitches as you work the edging. Therefore, you will be in control of how tight or lose you would like the edge to be. Also, you can use any size needle or yarn, depending on how lose or tight, large or small you would like the scallops/picot edge to be.