Linkages Socks by Carolyn Lisle

Linkages Socks

May 2024
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
35 stitches and 48 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 0 - 2.0 mm
383 - 492 yards (350 - 450 m)
Adult Small (Medium, Large)

The Linkages Socks are inspired by simple DIY wind catchers made from upcycled materials that spin in the wind in gardens and yards. A little bit of quirky and fun outdoor décor that offer a great opportunity to give empty plastic bottles a new life as twisting, spiralling art!

This toe-up sock with a gusset and heel flap construction uses twisted-stitch cables for a clean and beautiful finished product. Coordinated twisted ribbing in the gussets and adjustable foot lengths makes these socks fit any foot comfortably! Thoughtful details such as a patterned toe and heel flap, as well as a smooth transition to cuff ribbing that extends from the cables offer a cohesive final look. Both charts and written instructions are provided for the cable patterning.

Required tools:

  • knitting needles appropriate for socks (double-pointed needles or circular needles),
  • small cable needle, and
  • finishing tools such as a tapestry/yarn needle for weaving in ends.

Required techniques:

  • basic knitting techniques (knit, purl, yarn over, knit through back loop, etc.),
  • seamless cast on for toe-up socks,
  • small-width cables (2x2 and 1x1) with twisted stitches,
  • mirrored increases and decreases (knit and purl),
  • German short rows (for the heel turn), and
  • stretchy bind off.

This pattern is currently only available from Knit Now magazine. Digital copies of this issue can be purchased via Pocketmags here.