Little Yellow Upstream by Cat Bordhi

Little Yellow Upstream

July 2007

New Pathways for Sock Knitters, which I published in 2007, is by far my most ambitious and comprehensive sock book. It contains 8 unique architectures, each one introduced with a quick little baby or toddler sock, followed by a collection of adult designs, and a Master pattern so that you can literally knit an infinite number of variations on each architecture.

Hundreds of designers have used these architectures as a leaping-off point for their own innovations, with the Riverbed, Upstream, and Cedar architectures appearing most often. This was my hope—that the new fields I plowed would become gardens in the minds and hands of others, including you!

This digital version of the book insures that it can remain a resource for knitters and designers forever.

New Pathways Yellow Sock Number One:
This unique little sock worked in Upstream Architecture, is found on page 130, and combines elements from the Master Toes, Heels, & Cuffs chapter. It has a Double-Stranded Cuff and begins with a Pontoon Toe.