Logans Beach Scarf by Edana Sativa

Logans Beach Scarf

February 2018
Lace ?
32 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinet Stitch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
984 - 1094 yards (900 - 1000 m)
This pattern is available for AU$6.40 AUD
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This scarf was designed for a friend who lives near us wanted something unique to give to her “to be” daughter in law.

We are living in Warrnambool, home to a Southern Right Whale nursery that sees mothers and calves during the winter and early spring. They are a spectacular site and can often be seen
breaching, spyhopping, lobtailing and doing body rolls.

This scarf was designed to honour them and the stormy winter surf of the nursery they raise their young in, Logans Beach.

Pattern uses both one side and double sided lace work, provincial cast on and a knitted on edging on both ends of the scarf.

The scarf used just under one skein of The Yarn Collective’s Portland lace, knit on 4mm needles.