Luci del Mattino by Lucia Luciano

Luci del Mattino

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
29 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
853 - 875 yards (780 - 800 m)
Taglia unica facilmente modificabile
English Italian

Luci del mattino“ shawl is inspired by dawn, when everything is still sleeping, the gentle light of the sun caresses everything and gently creeps into thees, alley between houses, windows that are still closed, caresses the walles, between a play of light and shadows that accompanies the birth of a new day.

Thank you, Perfetti matasse a colori, for the yarn support, for trust and availability.
For me it was an honor to work with an italian indie dyer, “ Luci del mattino” is made with two skeins from the Alba Collection, color Castelluccio.

The shawl has an elongated asymmetric triangular shape to be wapped around the shoulders, it has a very simple construction in which there are garter sections, relaxing and pleasant and lace sections that make the work interesting, with easy to memorize repetitions the realizations of this shawl is a relaxing and stress- free experience.

Size after blocking:
180 cm lenght
75 cm height

Gauge after blocking:
29 stitches x 36 rows= 10x10 cm/4x4” in garter stitch
Gauge is indicative and not fundamental, variations of the gauge determine only a size a little bigger or a little smaller than the shawl.

Type of constructions:
The constructions of the shawl starts from the tip, with 3 stitches, and gradually grows up to the opposite side.

Increases are always made on the right side of the work, before tje selvedge stitch, with a kfb increase.

US terminology