Mara by Karen S. Lauger


September 2017
Light Fingering ?
24 stitches and 42 rows = 4 inches
in garter stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
236 cm along top edge – 63 cm deep
Flag of English English Danish

The Mara shawl is part of the beautiful and unique knitting book named Sjaler Nordfra in Danish and Nordic Shawls in English.
The book has 18 gorgeous shawls designed by Karen S. Lauger, inspired by the wild Nordic nature and the stories of the creatures that live there.

Mara is the female spirit, who rides the sleeping in Scandinavian folklore. She, who gifts you the nightmares and fills your dreams with truths, you would never acknowledge in the light of the day.

Here I am lying down to sleep;
No nightmare shall plague me
until they have swum through all the waters
that flow upon the earth,
and counted all stars
that appear in the skies

Mara er det overnaturlige, kvindelige væsen, der rider de sovende. Hende, der giver dig mareridt og fylder dine drømme med sandheder, du aldrig ville erkende i dagens lys.

Mara, Mara minde
er du inde,
så skal du ud
med stok og med sten
med jern og ben.
Så kommer Sankt Olav med sit sværd
og slår dig bagi -
du skal fare en Fandens færd!
Agt dig, Mara, Mara minde!