Melton Vale Mitts by Amy Ross Manko

Melton Vale Mitts

June 2019
Ross Farm Fibers Leicester Longwool pin-drafted roving
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 23 rows = 4 inches
in patt on larger needles
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
200 yards (183 m)
8½ " hand circumference and 7½ " tall
This pattern is available from for $9.99.

These hard-wearing mitts are knitted using handspun Leicester Longwool in two natural shades. I like to make handcoverings from this particular breed because of the durability of the fiber as well as the warmth and crisp stitch definition it provides. The stranded knitting and cable design was inspired by windows I saw on an evening tour at Colonial Williamsburg. I was struck by the way the dark interior receded and the crisp white window frames popped.

Fiber 5 oz of Ross Farm Fibers Leicester Longwool pin-drafted roving in two natural colors: white (MC, 3 oz) and gray (CC, 2 oz).

Yarn 3-ply; 120 yd MC, 80 yd CC; 600 ypp; 11 wpi; worsted weight.

Needles U.S. size 6 (4 mm) and U.S. size 8 (5 mm): set of double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Marker (m); cable needle (cn); stitch holder; tapestry needle.

Gauge 20 sts and 23 rnds = 4” in patt on larger needles.

Finished Size 8½ “ hand circumference and 7½ “ tall.