Milton the Mammoth by Kate Duszysnki

Milton the Mammoth

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2019
Sport (12 wpi) ?
2.5 mm
4.0 mm (G)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Meet Milton - a thoroughly modern mammoth who has left the ice age far behind him.  Tired of snow and being constantly cold, Milton decided to move to LA and try his hand at acting, but so far he hasn’t had much luck.  There’s just not enough demand for mammoth’s in film, and no matter how many elephant auditions he goes to, his furry skin and giant tusks always give him away. 

The pattern contains clearly explained instructions and photos. The finished product measures approximately 10 inches when sitting and 13 inches when standing

Materials needed -

100% cotton yarn in sport weight (5ply) - 70 grams in brown, 15 grams in white
Fluffy yarn in chunky weight - 130 grams

2.5mm crochet hook
4mm crochet hook
9mm safety eyes
Toy Stuffing
Darning needle

Stitches used -

ch = chain
sc = single crochet
inc = single crochet in indicated stitch 2 times
dec = single crochet two stitches together
blo = sc into the back loop only
hdc = half double crochet
hdcinc = half double crochet in the same stitch 2 times
MR = magic ring
sl st = slip stitch
sk st = skip stitch
bobble = crochet 4 incomplete double crochets (only pull through the first two loops) into the same stitch until five loops are on your hook. Pull through all 5 loops.

Language - English