Mini Hoop Flowers by Matt Farci

Mini Hoop Flowers

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2015
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
Flag of English English
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

These simple and cute flowers are quick and easy to make.
They are perfect as embellishments for your projects and/or as stand alone ornaments in their own right.


Plastic crochet rings (26mm)
Crochet hook (4mm)
Worsted weight yarn
Darning needle
Buttons (optional)
Glue gun (optional)
Plastic Crochet Rings, Yarn & Buttons

We used 26mm flat profile crochet rings by Prym for our flowers. They are however, available in many different sizes. It could be fun to play around with some of the larger sizes of plastic crochet ring?!

As for our choice of yarn; We used Cottonell by Wolle Rödel, a worsted weight yarn. It’s a very easy to use, no fuss cotton, that comes in some lovely vibrant shades! This yarn along with a 4mm crochet hook, worked a treat for our flowers.