Mobile / Content Purse by Kendra Skeene

Mobile / Content Purse

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About This Design
I designed this purse during An Event Apart 2011 in Atlanta, (a conference for people who make websites) out of a need to keep my hands occupied so I could pay attention to all of the amazing speakers and not get too distracted. The main themes of the conference were the importance of good Content on websites, and designing for Mobile devices. Thus was born the Mobile/Content Purse, whose inherent qualities include being mobile, holding content, and holding the contents of your mobile devices.

Once the purse is felted its pockets should be just right for holding cell phones or iPods, and the back sleeve is designed to hold a 8.25” x 5.8” sketchbook, such as the Designer’s Notebook, a Kindle, or any of the books from the A Book Apart series, in case you want to brush up on your web techniques.

As a bonus, the design is also imbued (via osmosis) with the concepts and conversations of the conference; though I make no claims as to whether or not making this purse will help you build better websites (but it certainly can’t hurt).

I hope you enjoy it and get as much use out of your mobile/content purse as I do mine.

2 1/2 skeins Paton’s Classic Wool, Mercury (color 1)
1 skein Lion’s Wool, Pumpkin (color 2)
4.5 crochet hook
yarn needle
2 1” square rings for handles
2 18mm magnetic snaps

Stitch Notes
ch = chain
st = stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
hdc dec = 1 half double crochet across two stitches (decreases by 1 stitch)
dc = double crochet
pc st = popcorn stitch