Mommy And Baby Bear With Swing by Candice Le Grange

Mommy And Baby Bear With Swing

July 2017
Light Fingering ?
2.0 mm
Mommy Bear is 15cm or 6 inches when sitting, Baby Bear is 8cm or 3 inches when sitting

Mommy Bear is a beautiful little teddy bear with a full tummy. She is 15cm or 6 inches when sitting. Baby Bear is a sweet tiny little teddy bear who also has a full tummy. She is just 8cm or 3 inches when sitting. Mommy and Baby Bear are crocheted out of self-striping yarn so there is no need to change colours! This is an easier make for those with some crochet toy experience.

You can sell your completed items! Just credit me as the designer.

Materials Needed For Mommy And Baby Bear: 2mm crochet hook, 100g or 3.5oz Blue Label Yarns And Crafts - Bamboo 4ply Knit / Crochet (in colour 125), 8mm brown safety eyes, Small piece of white felt, Stuffing, Brown embroidery thread

Materials Needed For The Swing: Small amount of Blue Label Yarns And Crafts - Classic Pullskein Double Knitting (in colour 059), 2 x 30cm or 12 inch pipe cleaners, Sharp scissors, Plastic container of your choice – big enough for the little bear to fit in with plenty room to spare. I used a 900ml or 2 pint container.

Stitches Used: Chain, Magic ring - or adjustable ring (Used as the beginning of crocheting in the round), Sc - single crochet, Inc - increase by working two single crochets in one stitch, Dec - decrease by single crocheting two stitches together as one, Sl-st - slip stitch, Fasten off - break yarn and thread it through the one loop remaining on your crochet hook.