Nimbus by Jennifer Thurston


no longer available from other sources show
October 2004
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
US 11 - 8.0 mm
81cm/32 inch (86cm/34 inch, 91cm/36 inch, 97cm/38 inch, 102cm/40 inch) bust.
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Originally published in Magknits. Direct download of the PDF file is no longer available on the designer’s website.

Rowan Polar: 12 sts and 16 rows to 10cm (4 inches) in st st
Rowan Big Wool Tuft: 5.5 sts and 7 rows to 10cm (4 inches) in st st

Other items needed

-1 pair of 20mm straight needles
-Sewing thread to match Yarn A (for sewing in zipper)
-Zipper to fit opening edges of fronts