Noro Knots by Kieran Foley

Noro Knots

October 2011
US 8 - 5.0 mm
700 yards (640 m)
This pattern is available for $7.00 USD
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This easy-to-knit pattern contains variations of the traditional feather and fan pattern, and some shaping to create biasing and a certain amount of gathering. While working on the sample, I found that the abrupt color changes in the yarn (Noro Kureyon Sock) enhanced the drama of the stitch pattern - so I introduced more breaks in the yarn and switched between two skeins. This is definitely a good pattern for using up leftovers from other projects!
It can be worn as a scarf or draped decoratively around the shoulders.

The sample scarf was knit on 5mm/US8 needles with 1.5 skeins/150g/630m/700yds of Noro Kureyon Sock yarn S250.
Finished dimensions after blocking: an irregular parallelogram approximately 60x12in/150x30cm, flaring out to 18in/45cm at the short ends. It can also be left unblocked.
(The wide range of colors in the yarn is difficult to capture on camera, and the colors change with the light.)

The pdf includes 3 charts and short instructions.

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